Wednesday, April 6, 2011

us lately

Why does time go by so fast? the last week James has become and avid 'goodbye waver' and has added 'dad', 'hi', 'shoes', 'ash' which is either his way of saying Thatcher or James, and 'ball' to his list of words that he already says. He is taking more and more steps each day. He is so much fun and makes me laugh all the time. He is at the funnest age. I love how he plays games and is always trying to get laughs out of us. The night we got home from California he climbed up into his high chair twice all by himself...he is such a crazy daredevil. He is still the sweetest and snuggliest baby too and I just need to figure out how to get him to stop growing.

I love these pictures of my James. He is always so happy and so disheveled when he wakes up from his nap and this picture captures it perfectly.

I love my little guy. Pants-less, snotty-nosed, excited to show me a pine needle, and surrounded by his cars. He is the best.

I love how crazy James is and how crazy I am to not have saved him and instead took a picture. Pretty impressive, huh? He gets up and down from this tv watching position all by himself.

Thatcher's imagination is continuing to dominate our life at home. Here he is playing with his cars and animals and then he had a 'dinner' where he was eating his toys and drinking milk. One of toys he had for dinner was his worm which is sticky and filthy...thus the super gross face. I was on the phone while he was eating his 'dinner' and was so confused when I saw his face like this. I thought he had been eating mud it looked so dirty (don't worry, I immediately threw it in the dishwasher and it usually isn't so gross).

I love my boys. They keep me on my toes, but I think life is so much better, richer, and more memorable when you are always on your toes!

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