Friday, April 29, 2011


The events of the day:
In the morning I came down to this lovely surprise. Ty had to go to work early, so a teething James and I had an early breakfast at about 5:30am. At least we did it surrounded by happy tulips and ridiculously large balloons.

After folding laundry, blogging, baking cookies, and getting ready we ran a few errands and ended up at the park with a bunch of friends. I was super spoiled with treats and thoughtful gifts and besides a mud-covered James and a little bathroom accident with Thatcher, it was a really fun morning.

We rushed home where I packed up my things, then picked up Sage (our darling babysitter). Kyle and I drove together to Phoenix, then I got my haircut and went to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner with Kristi, Whit, Claire, and my mom. We ate way too much food, then spent the rest of the night just talking.

Saturday was spent laying out, eating, shopping (I ended up with a bright red pencil skirt and two shirts), eating some more, playing scrabble, hot-tubbing, and then crashing.

Needless to was a pretty fantastic birthday.

I have a good feeling about 29.

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