Tuesday, April 12, 2011

random thoughts

Ty passed the bar! We are so excited and so proud...but now the option of moving to Utah is really a possibility if we want it to be. Sometimes I don't want to have options, I just want to be told what to do and have confidence that we are where we are supposed to be.

Last night Ty and I watched "Hoarders" and I am newly committed to deep cleaning my house and getting rid of everything. EVERYTHING. I don't want stuff.

James is walking more and more and I love it. He is extra motivated if he sees animals on the TV screen. He will walk across the room to get to them. Today at the doctor's office James rearranged the stool, step stool, and two kids' chairs many times before the doctor came in. He cracks me up.

Some recent Thatcher-isms (be warned...they are extremely cute):
Ty asked Thatcher to turn around and go back to his bed tonight when he got out of bed. So Thatcher did just that, he turned around in a circle and went back upstairs.

This afternoon when both boys were supposed to be asleep in separate rooms taking naps, I found them in James's crib with a fake candle just talking to each other.

Tonight James was crying quite a bit after putting him down to bed. I went upstairs to take him some milk and found Thatcher on the floor in front of the crib reading a book to his little brother. On his bed was a stack of books over a foot tall.

Earlier today during my Relief Society presidency meeting, Thatcher told Matt and Dallin that it was story time and he was going to read to them. He proceeded to read to them from his favorite Nemo book. I love that my 2-year-old wanted to read a story to his 4-year-old friends.

On Sunday Thatcher got pretty while Ty was in the shower. He decided that James needed to get a little pretty too.

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