Wednesday, April 20, 2011

spiritual shorties

I was going to title this post 'spiritual giants'...but James and Thatcher are the opposite of giants, even if they are spiritual. So here are the spiritual stories of the week:

On Sunday Thatcher came home from church talking about how "Jesus was resurrected" and he says 'resurrected' perfectly, enunciating each syllable. A little later while he was laying in bed with his dad about to take his nap, he told me that he was in a cave like Jesus was. He is so smart. It is amazing to me how well he listens and how much he understands. He is such a good kid.

Then...tonight James surprised us all with his own level of understanding. He has been pretty good at folding his arms the last couple weeks when we ask him to. It lasts only a second or two and he doesn't understand closing his eyes...but he does fold his arms. Tonight we were having family prayer before bed and James was sitting on Thatcher's bed. He folded his arms when Ty asked him to...then he threw himself on the bed with his arms folded and started talking. From there he wiggled down next to Thatcher so he could be in the same position as Thatcher. He continued to move around, but he would move somewhere, fold his arms, then throw himself against the bed and start talking like he was praying. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I need to stop underestimating my kids and how much they are capable of. They really do amaze me. I love them and need to better for them...they're definitely watching!

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