Tuesday, April 12, 2011

please don't report me to CPS

We have had a few interesting events that happened in the course of two days. seriously, who has two days like this back to back?

Day one:
Thatcher took his rabbit on a 'walk'...this is what he told me later in the evening when I asked him for the 100th time why he went outside. When Logan was over, Thatcher slipped out the front door. It took a minute for me to even notice he was gone, then Logan and I spend a while looking all over in the house and in the garage because I really didn't think he would have left the house. When I realized he had to be outside we started searching the neighborhood. I was bare footed and so confused at where he could have gone when I saw a lady walking up the street holding Thatcher's hand. He had made it all the way out to a busy street and was just standing on the sidewalk. She stopped her car and decided to try and help the little boy who had no shoes on who was carrying around his bunny in an Easter basket.

About an hour earlier James pooped all over the floor. I had just changed a poopy diaper and was letting him air out for a minute when he started whining. I looked over and it was everywhere. All over his legs, clothes, and the carpet (smack dab in the middle of our living room). I took him to the kitchen sink first (which mostly resulted in him screaming and kicking and me and the sink getting covered in 'it'), then we made it upstairs to the bath tub. It was a huge mess.

About an hour before that, James fell out of his high chair onto the tile floor and hit his head. There is nothing like seeing your baby take a huge fall onto tile that makes you feel like a terrible parent. Not a good day...huh?

That was day one. Here is day two;
We spent a while outside. While outside...James almost got hit by a car while riding his trike (wearing no shoes, mud covered socks, and muddy pants), Thatcher ran down a hill in the middle of the street chasing his ball as I was yelling after him and trying to gather up James (who was also in the middle of the street), James started riding his wiggle car down this same big hill and I ran full speed for quite a while before catching up to him (this one was very lucky because he has tipped over on much smaller hills).

Then today...Thatcher managed to sneak out of the house again during my Relief Society presidency meeting. He took his fire truck with him and was making progress up the street (again...in his socks) when I found him.

Life is changing and I need to accept it. No more multi-tasking, no more taking my eyes of my boys for even a second, and no more leaving the front door unlocked. I have learned my lesson(s)...I promise.

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