Thursday, December 30, 2010

The aftermath

Since Christmas the boys have had a lot of fun with their toys. Thatcher plays his guitar constantly and is more than happy to serenade anyone who makes a request. His best song so far was one about 'buzz flying to infinity and beyond in the movie'. Thatcher is having a rough time understanding that he won't get to see Santa until next Christmas. He asks about seeing Santa every day...I guess seeing Santa three days in a row led Thatcher to believe that it was normal to just see him around.

Kelly is the sweetest aunt and two of my favorite memories of her with my boys happened after Christmas...Kelly had a tea party with James and her friends. She just played with James while two of her friends were over and took such good care of him. I don't think that is a normal thing for a 12-year-old. She is so great. Also, the night before we left Salt Lake, Ty and I were gone so Kelly snuggled in bed with Thatcher to help him fall asleep. Thatcher tickled her back and put her arm around him so she would snuggle. They are so cute together.

My personal highlights after Christmas where when I got to spend some time with Emily Mitarai and Tori's Christmas dinner for our high school girlfriends. It was spectacular to say the least. The food was amazing and it was a fun night.

Here are some random pics of our time in Salt Lake...

Drive home...
On our drive home we stopped in Kanab at a church to let Thatcher run around for a minute. There was a nativity set up outside and a camel big enough that Thatcher could ride it. When he was riding it I told him that he was a wise man and that wise men give presents to baby Jesus. Thatcher was holding his beloved Big Buzz and Big Woody and went right over to baby Jesus and laid his two gifts on the manger. Then he looked at us like he was ready to go. I think he would have left them there too if Ty hadn't picked them up. I thought that was so sweet. There was no question about making that sacrifice. I love his heart. It makes me want to be a better person every day.

A funny Thatcher-ism that Thatcher came up with on the way home was the phrase "That's so much cool." Ty thought it was pretty funny so of course Thatcher repeated is over and over again.

Since we have been home... the boys have been super happy to be back. Thatcher asks to go to Nanny and Pop's and Nana and Papa's, but he is still happy here. Thatcher told us that he missed Josh the night that we got home and yesterday when Thatcher heard dad was talking to Kelly (Marsden) he insisted on talking to her thinking it was his Kelly. We have played with (and found homes for) all of their new toys, built trains, and taken a bunch of colored baths. Thatcher has taken a number of pretend naps in his tent and in his bed. A new game Thatcher plays is he will usually say, "Thatcher going to sleep, Mom/Dad wake up me with a roar!" and then he pretends to sleep and we say, "roar" and he 'wakes up' laughing hysterically.

It has been snowing like crazy which has kept us indoors except for a treacherous trip to the doctor's and a freezing snow-shoeveling experience outside with Thatcher. We had fun, but it is definitely cold when Thatcher (who never wants to go in) said it was too cold. is good to be back, but my kids sure do miss their loved ones in Utah. I am excited and hopeful about this next year (and really really nervous too). I think it is going to be a good one. I hope we can make good decisions and good goals and stay focused on what is most important for our family. I haven't written out my resolutions but there are a few Thatcher issues that need some tackling in 2011 (among others):
Fear of dogs...I am a little concerned about that. If we are in a real house by June I think we are going to seriously consider getting a dog. I don't know if I am ready for that, but I want Thatcher to love animals and I think that will be the best way to get comfortable.
Potty training setbacks...Thatcher is so great at going on the potty most of the time. He even will get up on a normal toilet seat all by himself and go. But he is inconsistent. He is so inconsistent that I think every day for the last week I have cleaned up at least one accident...which is usually poop on the floor or bed. He always is good about taking off his diaper (if he is napping or down for the night) or his clothes (if it is during the day) but then he will just go and it doesn't seem like he is ever rushing to the potty and just doesn't make it. I don't get it, but it is frustrating.
Sleeping issues...I am guessing this one is a result of us sleeping in the same bed for two weeks in Salt Lake, but he will not stay in his bed. This entire week we have been dealing with Thatcher for AT LEAST two hours after we out him down. It starts out funny (Thatcher will push his dump truck and use it to reach the light switch, then do dances and get out toys and do things to make baby James laugh) but it always ends up with both boys over-tired and grumpy. Then last night he woke up at 11:30 and was so hysterical that we let him sleep in our bed after he woke James up. I don't know what to do about this one, but hope we can find a solution. Typical isn't it? James is finally a great sleeper and now Thatcher isn't.

I am excited and ready for 2011 and all the changes and fun times it is going to bring.

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