Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Yesterday a friend came over to observe the boys in their 'natural habitat' for a class she is taking. We just talked and she would jot down notes as she noticed interesting interactions. It definitely made me more aware of my two cute boys, and here are some of the things I noticed:

- Thatcher is a total ham. He loves new people and gets really hyper. He likes to show off his jumping, spinning, running, and skipping skills. I don't blame him, they are pretty cool.

- Thatcher is very obedient...when he wants to be. Yesterday was a day he wanted to be. Everytime I asked him to do something (give James another toy, not hit mom with a toy, not rattle the blinds, etc., he stopped immediately. One time he got a little look in his eye and I threatened him with time out. He immediately stopped doing what I had asked him to stop doing and ran to the stairs to sit in time out. It was so cute. Now if I could only figure out how to get him to be so sweet all the time.

- Thatcher loves James and James loves Thatcher. They get each other laughing so hard. One starts laughing and then the other laughs at that and it goes back and forth until they are almost screaming.

-Thatcher loves to explain what he is doing now that he is talking more. He would hide his Chick Hicks car in a box and say, "where is chick hicks?," "in the box!"

- James is a screamer. I remember this stage with Thatcher and it cracks me up. James is perfectly content and playing on the floor and experimenting with his voice and it sounds like he is a bird...a really loud bird.

- Thatcher is super affectionate. Multiple times he would be playing, and then run at me full speed and give me a hug. He also carried around a little duck stuffed animal and would hug him and then say, "hug".

- Oh, and Thatcher loves graham crackers. I never buy them, but got a huge box at Sam't club yesterday and I am pretty sure graham crackers comprised half of all his calories for the day. He is just like his mom. If I didn't have to watch what I eat I am sure graham crackers would be half of what I eat too.

I love my kids. It makes me happy to have someone else come over and observe just how cute and fun and sweet and crazy my two boys are.

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