Friday, July 9, 2010

a change in plans

Yesterday I felt motivated. I got out of bed at 6:15 and started cooking, cleaning and getting things done. The boys woke up and I fed them both breakfast (a time consuming endeavor when you have a baby James how insists on putting his fist and then his bib in his mouth between every bite), then put them both in the bath. I was right on schedule to make it to my weight lifting class when things changed. Thatcher jumped out of the tub twice to go and sit on the potty. I had to persuade him to get back in the tub to wash him but then as soon as I was done it was back on the potty. Time was running short and so I got James ready then started to get Thatcher lotioned up and dressed. However, Thatcher was very adamant that I not put his diaper on and ever time I mentioned it he ran to the potty. After a while he closed the bathroom door with a sweet, 'bye' and a minute later came out saying, "pee pee" and pointing to his little potty. Sure enough he had peed. I was so excited. We went downstairs, got him a popsicle, picked out a pair of big boy underpants and talked about all the the prizes he would get if he did it again. I talked to my mom and decided to not go to the gym because this was huge and I shouldn't miss such a great opportunity. Things went well for a little while when, "uh-oh"... Thatcher peed on the floor in his big boy underpants. After that I put a diaper on and he pooped in that. The rest of the day he wouldn't even sit on the potty until bedtime when once again he refused to have a diaper put on him. He and his dad took turns sitting on the potty, but after a half-hour and way past his bedtime with no success, we forced a diaper on him and put him in his crib.
Today he has shown the same interest and has been in his big boy underpants for a couple hours with no accident, but also with nothing to show in the potty. We will see what happens. I would die if he really could be potty trained this young, but I know I shouldn't get my hopes up.

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