Friday, July 30, 2010

lightning storms and sunburns

I forgot how crazy the weather here is in the summer. We spent one morning at the pool with some friends. It was gorgeous weather and had a fun time...until later when I realized that my sunscreening skills were terribly lacking. Both James and I had funny sunburn marks on our foreheads where the sunscreen stick had missed. James's sunhat kept falling off so I took it off and thought my body was shielding him from the sun, but I was wrong. James got a sunburn all over his head because he doesn't have enough hair to protect him. Then me...I diligently put suncscreen everywhere except my back and sure enough got fried (so bad that days of ice and aloe and no bra were required). Fun times.

But the funniest part is that as soon as we got home there was a crazy huge thunder storm. That is what happens almost every day and it is so bizarre. That day it was extra loud and I watched a tree behind our house get struck by lightning. The house shook from the thunder it was so loud and Thatcher and James both woke up from their naps from all the noise.

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