Friday, July 9, 2010

nightmare at the doctor's

I took both boys to the doctor the other day. Thatcher for his 2 year checkup and James for his 6 month. From the moment I got the boys out of the car I knew it was going to be a disaster... I have never been more right. Thatcher was so grumpy and mad and I have never seen him act quite so naughty. He pulled my hair and emptied out drawers while his darling pediatrician was trying to talk to me. I was so embarrassed. I looked like I had no idea what I was doing and that was because I didn't! Thatcher never really acts like that and so when he does I don't know what to do.
Every thing we did was a huge ordeal--getting his temperature taken, getting weighed, measured, head measured, then when the doctor listened to his heart beat and looked in his ears, mouth and eyes. He was screaming, kicking, and throwing a fit through all of it. It climaxed with his shot and once we left the office he was happy sweet Thatcher again (except for later on that afternoon when he bit James's hand and kicked me...we have now officially begun time outs in our family).
So in the end we survived. My pride didn't, but the rest of us did.
Both of the boys are healthy and right on track developmentally. James was a sweetheart and had to get three separate shots. Both boys are pretty average in weight and height, but Thatcher and especially James have huge heads. I think James was in the upper 90th percentile...crazy! Because Thatcher was skinny for so long, James weighs as much Thatcher did when he was 9 months old. I love having a baby with some chunk and with a beautiful big head!

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