Wednesday, July 13, 2011

James at 18.5 months

It is crazy thinking that when Thatcher was this same age, I had a newborn baby James. I can't imagine doing that right now with how much James keeps me busy. We are going through an interesting stage right now. At the doctor's, nursery, and the gym daycare James is a saint. He is right on schedule developmentally, and he is nice, happy, and sweet. He has the most charming little grin and loves to make friends. He is quick to catch on to concepts and games and likes to be a part of what older kids are doing. However...when I am around (which is most of the time) his more aggressive side comes out. We are going through a biting, hitting, fit-throwing phase and I don't quite know what to do about it. Thatcher has a couple bite marks on his body and is learning to run away from James as soon as it looks like he is going to chomp. When he is cute is is so cute and when he is hard he is so hard. Every morning I go to get James wondering which personality I am going to get. This morning it was a happy, snuggly, talking James. We snuggled and read a book as he talked to me about his pig, his blanket, and his car. Then he got really excited as he told me about going downstairs and eating.

James has started to go to nursery which is huge for me. It has been a long three years since Ty and I have had the last two hours of church with no kids.

At James's 18 month appointment his stats were consistent with what they have always been: chubby, a little on the short side, and a huge hed (off the charts). He is walking everywhere (he likes to pretend that he can jump), he loves reading books (on his own terms), he is obsessed with cars and balls, he likes to sing and dance, he is saying a lot of words...more than I can remember right now (wiggle car, hold, please, thank you, milk, mom, cher for Thatcher, socks, shoe, teeth, kay, josh, nana, papa, peepee, bird, buzz, bug, bite, bike, banana, cracker, horse, potty, choo for train, outside, inside, sorry, bath, water, truck, cup, thank you, he has a word for dog that doesn't sound anything like dog, and the other words he has been saying for a long time), and he can be the sweetest more loving little boy. He likes to wave goodbye to his pee pee when I put a diaper on him, he likes to sit on the potty (which has resulted in one pooping success), he likes to help in the kitchen, he likes to crawl up on the counter, he LOVES to eat, he likes to play at the library and drink out of the drinking fountain while Thatcher goes to story time, and he loves swimming...he is a little fish and is perfectly content whenever we go. James is good at coloring, loves to take baths, is good at giving hugs when he has done something naughty, loves sitting on the couch to watch a show with his brother and a blanket over the two of them, is a good sleeper and napper, likes to put Thatcher's underpants on over his diaper, is very observant, loves being outside, loves finding the "choo choo" wherever we are in town, still loves his pig more than I have ever seen anything loved before, is good at folding his arms for prayers but not at keeping them folded, likes to bang his head on anything when he gets upset, is good at playing make believe (he likes to cook and eat pretend food), is a daredevil (yesterday he was climbing up onto the arm of the couch, reaching his arms out to the side, saying, "go", and then falling flat on his face onto the couch cushions and laughing hysterically), and is the greatest blessing. He really is. Even though this phase is hard, I know it is just a phase, and all the fun sweet memories remind me that there is so much more to him than the rough times. The poor kid is getting his 4 canine teeth in and he gets his schedule thrown off because of our crazy schedule more often than not. Hopefully by the time we get to Switzerland his teeth will be in and he can find his inner-angel.

ps- I love that all the random pictures I have of James from the last two months are of him being completely covered in some sort of food

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