Tuesday, June 1, 2010

becoming a mom

Bekah once told me that she really felt like a mom the first time she was up all night cleaning throw-up and taking care of her sick boys. Having experience that same scenario, I finally understand what she means. Yesterday I wasn't feeling that great and it got worse as it got later. Ty was picking me up some Pepto Bismol when James started throwing up...everywhere. I have no idea how much stuff was able to come out of his little body, but come it did. He continued to throw up throughout the rest of the night, and I followed suit not much later. It was a long, achy, nauseous, head-achy, freezing-cold-then-hot-sweat, sleepless night. Ty started to have the same symptoms around 2am, then Thatcher woke up this morning and threw up first thing. We are all doing a little better it seems, but I think we are all still feeling pretty poorly.
So...now I am officially a mom. When I was throwing up myself, I cleaned up my boys' throw-up, went to the grocery store for pedialyte and gatorade, have done massive amounts of laundry, and have taken care of my little family. I never thought I would be able to suck it up like I have today and I am pretty proud of myself (and my brave little boys who have been great sports).

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