Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year craziness

Instead of recording my New Years resolutions here, I thought I would follow up on how the first ten days of those resolutions have gone. They were indeed written on New Year's day, but things have been crazy this last week and the list never made it to the blog:

-My over-arching goal for this year is to do more of the things that I like to do. This last week which has been full of cleaning up poop, and dealing with kids who don't take naps and who don't stay in their beds at night has made it a little more difficult...but I'm working on it. We still had a fun week full of the gym, library, gymnastics, play dates, dinner with friends and family time.

-I have been really good at exercising, and pretty good and not baking something every day and then eating most of it. I have been taking notes at all my classes and hope to start training with the group fitness coordinator soon.

- I have been pretty good at using my awesome new sonicare toothbrush, at wearing my retainers every night and at washing my face...but the goal to wear my contacts every day has not yet taken flight.

- I have been a lot better at praying, but have a ways to go. I haven't gotten back into the routine of reading the scriptures, but I am pretty sure my new calling is going to aid in that area. I got called a week ago to be the second counselor in the relief society presidency. I am excited to get the spiritual kick in the pants I think I have been needing for a while. I am excited about the ladies I will be working with and even though the next two months are going to kill me with Ty being MIA and so much going on, it is going to be really great too. I am excited to serve more and to get pushed into being better.

- I have been reading, but not as intensely as before. I am in the middle of two books, but neither are riveting which makes it hard to prioritize reading with so much else going on.

- FHE weekly is going ok if you count a 5 minute story about Jesus one week, and a temporarily homeless family over for dinner the next. Not the greatest, but it is a start. Bi-weekly dates was attempted and we are still determined to find success even though our plans were foiled after Thatcher threw up all afternoon of the day we were planning on going out on the town.

- Other goals that will be accomplished as the year progresses: go to the temple 12x, take a dance or tennis class, and get Thatcher in a preschool or joy school

Our family theme this year is TRUST. Trust in the Lord: his timing and his will and trust in each other. I hope we can be better about this as we make big decisions for our family's future. I know the Lord knows what is best and if we can have faith in that everything really will work out. I am so nervous right now thinking about our future I could this is a big one I need to work on personally.

So there you have it...resolutions for 2011. I think the best one is 'wear retainers every night'. Who honestly makes a goal like that? I know I am a nerd, but if it keeps my teeth straight, then it is worth it.

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