Friday, October 22, 2010

A new problem...

Since the turning point when Thatcher decided that he hated the crib and wanted to sleep in the big boy bed, we have been able to use the crib as a threat, or form of compromise (that makes it sound a little nicer). If he ever would get out of his big boy bed when it was night-time, he would have to go in the baby crib, and that was not a desired option. He would get so upset about that option that Ty and I would usually give in after a few minutes of hysterical crying and screaming (and sometimes throwing up) and let him sleep in the big boy bed after all. One night after this whole drama played out, Thatcher got out of his bed again and Ty and I decided the baby crib would be where Thatcher would need to stay all night to learn his lesson. After a few minutes of the usual screaming we heard nothing, then a tear stained Thatcher made his way into our room. He had climbed out of the crib. We were shocked! I know kids do this at a super young age sometime, but it seems like so far to come down and he had never even attempted that before. So...that bargaining chip is now gone, but we are dealing with it.

However, a few nights ago we decided it was time to bite the bullet (again) and have both boys in the same room. It has been pretty funny seeing the two boys laugh at each other hysterically and keep each other up. Thatcher likes to push toys and stuffed animals to James in between the slats and a couple nights ago, when James was crying Ty heard Thatcher tiptoe across the room and say, "baby ok?". Having James in there has made Thatcher a little more obedient in regards to staying in his bed, or at least his room. Last night, long after putting the boys down we heard Thatcher calling for dad. When Ty went in there he found Thatcher in the crib with James. Even though we explained that we shouldn't get in the baby crib when it is dark, at 2:00am the same thing happened and Ty found Thatcher in the crib with James. It cracks me up that we went from Thatcher never climbing in and out of the crib...ever, and from the crib being the ultimate form of punishment, to Thatcher wanting to be in there to be with his brother and actually having the ability to do it.

Even though it is cute and funny and makes me love Thatcher for loving his brother so much, I hope getting stuck in the crib at 2:00am doesn't become a habit, especially one that wakes up baby James.

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