Sunday, May 2, 2010


Today is May 2nd. There a few things that have frustrated me when thinking about the fact that it is May...

It is snowing! Freezing cold and snow is what we were met with when we came out of church this morning (yes, we had sacrament meeting that started at 7am and then we got to leave after the one hour...kind of nice that we have the whole day, but kind of not nice that we are tired, cold, and with nothing to do all day because it is Sunday). SNOWING! On May 2nd. I am so ready for warmer weather.

My weight loss, or lack thereof. I gave myself a full two months to heal after having James. I went on walks, but didn't do much else to exercise and ate whatever I wanted. Then, in March I knew it was time to jump into exercising again. James was old enough to take to the day care gym, and for the past two months I have been very consistent in going. I love it. It makes me happier throughout the day, it makes me feel good that I accomplished that one thing, my kids are well taken care of and it gives me a break. Those are reasons enough to want to go, but the main reason I go is so that I can get my body back. And...after two months of exercising, I weigh the same that I did one week after James was born (and two pounds more than I did 10 days after his birth). What? I am nursing, exercising at least 3 times a week, and eating pretty ok (I do admit that I love my desserts, but we have a pretty healthy lifestyle with little carbs, whole grains, fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy). I am just frustrated. I thought that after losing the bulk of my pregnancy weight so crazy fast, getting to my ideal weight would be pretty easy, especially if I was consistently exercising. So...bummer for me. It looks like I am going to have to change my diet a little more and stop baking so many tasty treats (after Tuesday because I am making 3 different desserts for my craft night and my Activity Days activity). I have less than 4 weeks till we are in California and 5 weeks till my family gets here. I hope I can be more motivated and that I will start to see some results, it's about time! Wish me luck!

I can't believe my baby James is really this old. Where did January and February and March and April go? He is getting so big so fast and I feel like I am missing things. I haven't taken nearly as many pictures as I should have and I don't have as much video either. I need time to slow down or just stop all together so I can be with my baby the way he is for longer.

Today has left me feeling a little is cold, time is going by too fast, and I have to put in a lot more work to see the results I want...but I am happy and excited about the motivation that a new month, and hopefully warmer weather, will bring.

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