Today is Ty's birthday. The big 30. To celebrate, last Saturday Thatcher unveiled (in a manner very much resembling Vanna White) his dad's birthday present from behind a blanket. Even though it was almost a week early, I had bought it earlier in the week and I have to give myself credit for waiting as long as I did. Once I have a gift for Ty I get so excited that I spill the beans right away. This tendency has resulted in a number of anticlimactic birthdays, Christmases, and other holidays. So even though I wasn't able to wait until the actual day, I did wait a few days for a perfect moment. And perfect moment it was. Thatcher and Ty spent a good part of the day putting the seat on Ty's bike (Thatcher tried to attach it to his bike, but it didn't turn out so well much to his frustration), and riding around the neighborhoods (even off-roading a little, which I am not so sure about).

Today the celebrations continued with sleeping in till 6:30 (that didn't really work out, but I tried), breakfast in bed (honey-nut cheerios, blueberries, donuts, and orange juice), and more presents from me (fruit snacks, licorice, and snickers), and presents from his family (more licorice, more fruit snacks, a ton more food, socks, books, and toys). We played in bed with the boys for a while and then Ty headed off to work. We will see what the rest of the day and weekend holds!
I was excited for Ty's birthday because it gave me an excuse to hang this birthday sign I made a while ago. Thanks Natalie for the great idea!
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