Everyone can create. You don’t need money, position, or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty.
Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty."
- Deiter Uchtdorf
I love this quote. I am not a creative person, but I love to create things. I always enjoyed scrapbooking while growing up and I think it is my nature to like projects. Even small tasks would give me a sense of accomplishment, and I know this is scary but I have always loved organizing and reorganizing spaces. When something is better after I have done something to it, I feel good about myself.
Since I have become a stay at home mom I have gone a little overboard with my love of creating things. I am plenty busy with being a mom to my two boys, cooking, cleaning, laundry, exercising, and the other things I do on a daily basis. But...when I don't have something else that I am working towards I go a little crazy and have an uncontrollable urge to make something. Take yesterday for example. Yesterday was a busy day, but when I put Thatcher down for a nap, instead of showering, or working on the big dinner I was making for a friend, or relaxing...I got out the sewing machine to work on some flowers, I got out my scrapbooking things to work on a collage for the boys' bathroom, and I messed around with Adobe photoshop for an hour trying to make a little book for the boys to have at church. When Thatcher woke up the house was a disaster, I had barely begun three separate projects, and I still hadn't started dinner.
I don't know where the 'itch' comes from, but when it hits, I need to do something. I have had a lot of fun the last year trying to be creative and learning to do new things on a budget. I admit I have spent too much time on silly things, but President Uchtdorf has helped me feel justified because after all, it is one of the 'deepest yearnings of the human soul.'
Here is a sampling:
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