Today marks 5 months since baby James came into this world. I can't believe how fast the last five months have gone. Today I took a big load of baby clothes to the garage that James has grown out of and I wanted to cry. My baby can't be getting this big this fast. He is such an angel. He is the smiliest, happiest baby. Yes, he has a talent for crying/screaming (today when I picked him up from the daycare, Marge told me his face started to turn purple he was so upset), but he is also so easy to please and content most of the time. He loves his brother Thatcher. He is so interested in the world around him. He loves to put everything in his mouth and will suck vigorously on anything that gets close to him. He loves to move around and today he started not just grabbing at the toys on his baby gym, but kicking at them. He has the greatest little laugh and is super ticklish. He is the best snuggler and the sweetest little boy.
Happy 5-month birthday sweet baby James.
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