Here are the stats for the first two days...
times peed in the potty: 3
times peed on the floor (or on chair): 4
towels used to clean: refer to photo
times pooped in the potty: 1
cars received: 1
stickers received: 16
What I was thinking: this is never going to work, I can't believe we haven't left the house in two days, I can't believe I haven't done anything in two days, how do moms ever do this over and over again with each kid?, Thatcher is the sweetest least we have that going for us, and other discouraging thoughts.
Stats for day 3...
times peed in the potty: 6
times peed on the floor: 2
times pooped in the potty: 1
cars received: 1
stickers received: losing track
What I was thinking: awesome, but not so sure we are getting anywhere considering how much he has had to drink today and how many times he sat on the seems more like luck and good timing at this point. Also...I need to read all those potty training books I got from the library, pronto.
Day 4, before his nap...
times peed in the potty: 3
times peed on the floor: 0
times pooped on the potty: 1
cars received: 1
stickers received: completely lost track, but it is still a good incentive
This morning not only did he decide when he wanted to sit on the potty (all 4 times he successfully went) which I think is a very good sign and shows a lot of progress, but he took his little bowl to the bathroom, dumped it in the toilet, and flushed it all on his own. I was in shock (and so relieved that he didn't spill). He has loved doing that the last three days, but today I was either changing James's diaper or distracted in some other way and he just did it himself. I know we have a long ways to go, but today is the first day I feel like we might be getting somewhere. I can't believe my Thatcher is such a big boy.
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