James fell out of his high chair and landed on the tile on his head. I think I cried harder than James...almost. I hate thinking of my baby boy in pain, and it was a scary fall too.
Thatcher wet his pants at Lizz's house, then went into Lizz's bathroom with Claire, took off his pants and underwear (while Claire took all her clothes off) and made a mess with water and toilet paper. I was mortified.
James has a new fascination with the toilet and loves to play in the water. I have made a concerted effort to keep the lid down (which is a challenge because with potty training Thatcher we are using it a lot more), but Thatcher helps James out by putting the lid up if I am not close by. I have found both boys laughing at each other standing over the toilet and splashing away.
Feeling like we are officially one week into potty training and not knowing exactly when things are going to get better. Thatcher is great if we are home. He will pee and poop on his own and carry the bowl to dump whatever in the toilet and flush it down without me saying a word...but once we leave the house it isn't so easy. We left the house Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday and had accidents each time. We have made progress, but we aren't there yet.
Things of late that make everything worth it:
The other day I was explaining to Thatcher that mommy used to be a little girl just like Thatcher and that some day Thatcher will be big just like Dad. He went straight over to the bar stool, got on top of it and said "Big like dad". Then today I gave him some of my smoothie which gave him a green moustache and he said, "Green moustache just like dad."
"Merry Christmas baby James", "Happy Thanksgiving baby James", "sit down baby James" (when James is standing up in his high chair), or "no baby" (when James is playing with a toy Thatcher wants or when James starts messing with the Christmas tree)
Last night Thatcher came downstairs at 9:30 (two hours after his bed time) with his backpack on. Who knows how long it took him to put it on because he has never managed to do that before...but he succeeded and he was super excited about it. He wore it for most of today and told me a number of times that "Aunt Kay has a Buzz backpack, Thatcher has a shark backpack."
Seeing Thatcher play with his cute friend Simon when we went to the Pickups house for dinner on Sunday. They are two peas in a pod and are hilarious together.
Watching James play on the fire engine. He loves to sit on it, ride it around, stand by it and push it. I feel like he just got huge overnight. He is playing with things they way they are meant to be played. He puts the wise men and Mary in the stable, he drives cars around, he sings into the microphone, he laughs at all the righ times, he is just the greatest.
Celebrating Christmas every day in so many ways (as recorded in an earlier post). It really is special in a different way with my boys around. I don't know what I ever did without them.
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