The week before Halloween we visited Bearizona and we got to see a bunch of animals. It was fun to do something different and Thatcher sure loves bears. He even kissed one wearing a witch hat!
The week of Halloween a friend gave us some home-made black licorice caramels that Ty and Thatcher obviously loved. Here are the two goofballs (and a cute spectator in baby James).
The night before Halloween we had our ward Trunk or Treat. Thatcher got pretty good at saying "trick or treat" and "thank you" but what he was most interested in was the bounce house. He outlasted most of the kids who went in there and held his own when a bunch of big kids were in there with him. Maybe it was the Buzz costume that made him invincible. Whatever it was, it was hilarious.
After the trunk-or-treat, we joined a bunch of friends for a couples' Halloween party. Ty and I went as super nerdy tourists and we had a blast seeing what everyone came as, eating great Halloween-themed food, and playing games. The men were all playing pool so the girls took a big group picture.
Then on Halloween, which was a Sunday, we had some friends over for pumpkin soup baked in a pumpkin. We had no trick-or-treaters which was nice and had a nice relaxing dinner. It was a good Halloween!
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