A few other things about my baby James right now:
- He is really starting to cruise. The other day he was pushing Thatcher's little chair all over the kitchen tile. He cruises all over the couches and loves to walk when me or Ty are holding him up a little. He stands up in the tub and pretty much anywhere he can. It is so cute and makes me think he will be walking sooner than Thatcher did. It is a good thing too, because whenever he does start to walk...we are going to Disneyland.
- His second tooth is officially in. I love my little toothy boy.
- A week or so ago James got his first goose egg. It was a pretty good bump the first night and then turned into dark bruise for a few days. The funny thing about it is that I have no idea how it happened, and I was right there. James was playing around by a pile of laundry on the carpet. There was nothing close by that was hard in any way but when he started crying I knew he was hurt by the way it sounded. I ran over to him and picked him up and sure enough he had a goose egg. It is a mystery.
- James is good at making car noises and I don't know where he has gotten it from. He has either picked it up from Thatcher or just likes the noise but it is great. He drives cars around all day and is great at playing by himself (unless he wants to be held of course).
- He loves his brother. He and Thatcher laugh at each other all throughout the day. They are so cute together and you can tell that James really watches everything that Thatcher does. I love those two together and can't wait for them to love each other even more throughout the years.
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