Thatcher loves to help me cook...though most days it ends up like it did today while we were making apple crisp, with cinnamon, sugar, and flour everywhere and Thatcher's hand constantly in the mixing bowl and every other ingredient container.
Today I watched Lexi and was in awe watching my sweet little boy. He ran circles around her just laughing he was so happy to haver her over. He gave her many hugs and was concerned whenever she got away from his line of sight. When Michelle came to pick Lexi up we found them in his room. Lexi was sitting in the bed and Thatcher was standing next to the bed reading her a story. I about died it was so cute.
Tonight I laid James next to Thatcher while reading Thatcher a story. James stayed put and smiled and laughed at me and then at Thatcher throughout the entire book. Thatcher was in heaven and thought it was the coolest thing. Both boys looked like they were about to burst they were so happy and I thought I was going to burst too. It was a memorable moment for me to see my boys love each other so much.
Thatcher loves books, sometimes to my frustrations. The last two days I have gone into his room after nap time to find books strewn all over the place. It is evident he doesn't just through them around either (at least not all of them). Many of them are open and whenever I am around Thatcher is very interested in reading as well. He is so good at listening when I read him stories, but sometimes we just do reading time (so I can read a book of my own) and he will just sit with me and look at his books too. I think that is pretty amazing for a two-year-old.
Last week we went to story time and he was enthralled. He was one of the youngest kids there, but he kept up with them. He paid attention the entire time and followed directions better than the rest of the kids. It was the first time I have been to a story time where he hasn't sat on my lap. All the moms sad on the edges of the room and the kids sat on a rug in the middle. It made me sad to think that this is the beginning of what will happen more and more as Thatcher gets older. I don't want him to grow up.
Recent loves: Thatcher loves pumpkins. We got him one for a dollar on Saturday and he carries it around everywhere. I think he just likes anything new, but it is pretty cute to see him get excited about it. He also loves big and small versions of things. He as a big elephant and a baby elephant, a big Mater and a little one, and a big and little Lightning and Woody. He has fun comparing the sizes and having them talk to each other.
My boy can eat! He always has had quite the appetite, but I am still shocked and amazed at how much he eats, at how much he stuffs in his mouth at one time, at how not-picky he is, and at how little he chews. He cracks me up.
I love that Thatcher loves me. He really cares for me, James, and Ty and I know it means a lot to all of us.
Thatcher is talking so much and I love to know what my little boy is thinking. He often points out things that hurt and likes to address all his toys by their names. He is very good about telling me exactly what he wants and I am just amazed at how much he has been able to say in the past few months.
One of the most amazing things about Thatcher is how well he plays by himself. He loves friends and interaction with others, but when I am trying to get stuff done (which is way too much of the time...I am trying to be better about that), he is so content to play with his toys. He is super creative with how he plays with his different animals, his cars, Buzz and Woody, and all the others and I think his imagination is already quite advanced (but of course I do...I'm his mom)!
Potty-training is still a long ways off. Today he refused to even be diaper-less for a few minutes while Friday, Saturday, and Yesterday the potty was very appealing. He has gone a few times in the last few days which is a good sign of interest, but then he doesn't seem to care the next. I think it is great that we are at least making progress.
Last night was the first Family Night we had where we sang songs, prayed, had a lesson and played a game. It was such a success and invited the spirit more than I thought it would. We showed Thatcher a picture of Jesus and explained the story and that was going to be it for the lesson, but Thatcher kept wanting to look at other pictures of Jesus and talk about them. It was so sweet how interested he was in learning. I hope I can be a better example of how to live and love the gospel. I think Thatcher has a very exceptional spirit and I want to help him have a strong testimony more than anything.
I love my life and my boys. I don't know how a mom could get any luckier. He makes my life so easy...too easy. I think I try to get so much stuff done sometimes because I can. I know a mom with normal kids wouldn't have nearly as many opportunities to get things done throughout the day. I love my boys and am so grateful for how blessed I am.
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