Another first happened the day I discovered the tooth, he climbed up a stair! Scary. He hasn't climbed up more than one stair but he sure loves to climb. He will crawl towards me at full speed just to crawl over my legs and then leave. He is so funny and so busy, I love it.
Another first is having James sit up in the shopping cart. This will change shopping for me not having to haul in the big car seat (except that now Thatcher likes to stand up in the big basket and cause mischeif). The first day I had James sit like this everyone around us was laughing at how he was putting both arms around the milk cartons and just chilling and smiling. He is the cutest baby. I feel like I did with a celebrity...when I have such cute kids that people constantly gawk at.
Today I put James down for a nap in the pack n' play in the living room and for the longest time he would press his face against the netting and make funny faces at me. He knew he was making me laugh and so he kept doing it. It was hilarious seeing my little nine month old press his face into the funniest faces. I am so excited to see what a comedian he is when he is older.
Last night we had some friends over who brought their dog. Even though the other kids were scared of it, James followed it around the entire night. It was so funny seeing my baby do everything in his power to hunt the dog down. He would touch it and let it kiss him and would laugh every time he got close to it. It was the cutest.
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