Two days after Christmas we had another special celebration. Little James turned three. I can safely say that he is my biggest trial right now. I love him so much and he makes me laugh, but he makes me cry a lot more than laugh these days. I have no idea how to handle my little spitfire. I don't know if it is anyone's best interest to list the things we are struggling with these days, but I am just praying that this phase is going to come to an end and that the little boy who I get glimpses of who is polite, honest, obedient, fun, happy, and kind will be a bigger part of our lives.
We let James open one present in the morning, but he couldn't handle the others being there so he snuck another present when I wasn't around. Here is James showing off his present he opened when no one was looking.
To celebrate we had the Sommers over for cake and ice cream. James's cake wasn't that pretty to begin with (I am no cake decorator), it was especially not pretty once James drove his Thomas trains on it and then dumped an entire thing of sprinkles in the middle. But James loved his blue Thomas cake and it was definitely on the best cakes I have ever had in my life.
Here is what I want to remember about my baby James at 3 years old:
-James loves to be naked. He whines about being cold all the time but is never convinced that putting clothes on will help with that problem. He has always loved being naked and I keep thinking he will grow out of it. I am sure he will, but he isn't anywhere close right now. In connection with being naked, James still loves his baths. He sometimes takes 2 or 3 a day and could spend all day in the water if I let him take his toys in there with him.
-James is pretty particular when it comes to being messy. He doesn't like dirty hands or sitting at a dirty or uncleared place at the kitchen table.
-James loves Hadley and James and expresses it a lot. He tells them how much he loves them. He misses Hadley when she is sleeping and he misses Thatcher when he is at preschool. He loves giving Hadley hugs and He gives the best little hugs and always wants to snuggle or be held.
- James has definite likes and preferences which is very different from Thatcher who has always been so laid back. James's favorite color is blue and if anyone thinks that they can eat a blue sucker, eat off a blue plate, out of a blue cup, etc. when he doesn't have one...he/she will pay. James has a few other colors he has started to like as well, but blue is still number one. James likes to find a trinket or toy every few days that he is quite attached to before he moves on. Some days it can be something super random like my old ski hat and other days it will be a ball. Most of the time it is a special car or two or three that are his favorites for the moment. James is a little pickier of an eater than Thatcher and Hadley, but he will eat if motivated by a treat, though he usually insists on me or Ty feeding him.
-James is so smart. He knows his letters, number, colors, shapes, you name it. He has already mastered my phone and is pretty impressive when he puts his mind to building something with blocks or trying to figure things out. He loves riding his bike and if he is ever determined to ride it, he will get there. Even if that means getting a stool to help him unlock the latch on the front door, then carrying his bike from the garage, through the house and taking it into the front. Even if it means riding in only underpants in January at 5:30 in the evening. This crazy kid will accomplish whatever he sets his mind to.
-The transition to Sunbeams has been rough for James, but he is getting better. He really loves his teachers, the McCrackens, and has moments where he isn't being disruptive.
-His favorite new thing is helping me in the kitchen and boy does he help. Every night he is right by my side making dinner or treats with me. Even though we have constant mishaps, I don't even want to think about the germs we are eating (he has a serious nose picking habit), and preparing dinner takes much longer than it should, I really do enjoy my time with my little boy who wants to help his mom.
- James has developed quite an imagination. I think Thatcher has really helped show James how much fun pretend play can be. Whether they are pirates, taking care of their rats, pretending to be baby dinosaurs, or whatever else they pretend, James is a part of it 100% and it cracks me up. It is amazing to me what kids can come up with.
We let James open one present in the morning, but he couldn't handle the others being there so he snuck another present when I wasn't around. Here is James showing off his present he opened when no one was looking.
To celebrate we had the Sommers over for cake and ice cream. James's cake wasn't that pretty to begin with (I am no cake decorator), it was especially not pretty once James drove his Thomas trains on it and then dumped an entire thing of sprinkles in the middle. But James loved his blue Thomas cake and it was definitely on the best cakes I have ever had in my life.
James got pretty spoiled with some hand-me-down Thomas stuff from my dad. He made the longest train ever and would make anyone suffer who dared get close to his cool train.
Here is what I want to remember about my baby James at 3 years old:
-James loves to be naked. He whines about being cold all the time but is never convinced that putting clothes on will help with that problem. He has always loved being naked and I keep thinking he will grow out of it. I am sure he will, but he isn't anywhere close right now. In connection with being naked, James still loves his baths. He sometimes takes 2 or 3 a day and could spend all day in the water if I let him take his toys in there with him.
-James is pretty particular when it comes to being messy. He doesn't like dirty hands or sitting at a dirty or uncleared place at the kitchen table.
-James loves Hadley and James and expresses it a lot. He tells them how much he loves them. He misses Hadley when she is sleeping and he misses Thatcher when he is at preschool. He loves giving Hadley hugs and He gives the best little hugs and always wants to snuggle or be held.
-James is so smart. He knows his letters, number, colors, shapes, you name it. He has already mastered my phone and is pretty impressive when he puts his mind to building something with blocks or trying to figure things out. He loves riding his bike and if he is ever determined to ride it, he will get there. Even if that means getting a stool to help him unlock the latch on the front door, then carrying his bike from the garage, through the house and taking it into the front. Even if it means riding in only underpants in January at 5:30 in the evening. This crazy kid will accomplish whatever he sets his mind to.
-The transition to Sunbeams has been rough for James, but he is getting better. He really loves his teachers, the McCrackens, and has moments where he isn't being disruptive.
-His favorite new thing is helping me in the kitchen and boy does he help. Every night he is right by my side making dinner or treats with me. Even though we have constant mishaps, I don't even want to think about the germs we are eating (he has a serious nose picking habit), and preparing dinner takes much longer than it should, I really do enjoy my time with my little boy who wants to help his mom.
- James has developed quite an imagination. I think Thatcher has really helped show James how much fun pretend play can be. Whether they are pirates, taking care of their rats, pretending to be baby dinosaurs, or whatever else they pretend, James is a part of it 100% and it cracks me up. It is amazing to me what kids can come up with.
- Most important, and above all, we love James. I never thought I would have such a hard time being a mom and it isn't always easy, but James is our baby and our family wouldn't be the same without him.
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