Friday, June 1, 2012

thoughts at one month

I cannot believe it has already been a month since Hadley joined our family. It has gone by so fast. I love her so much and feel so blessed that I have been able to enjoy her and cherish her as much as I have considering I have three kids. Here is where I am at one month into this new life:

- Yesterday it hit me once again how excited I am to have a little girl and made a bunch of flowers and headbands for her to accessorize with. I know I am appreciating it so much more after having two boys first.
- It is amazing how little I accomplish each day and how little I have going on, and yet how busy and overwhelmed I am at times. My house looks clean, but it hides the fact that I haven't been doing much deep cleaning very well. My kids don't bathe nearly as often as they should. I don't bathe nearly as often as I should. I haven't been exercising consistently yet as much as I would like to because I know it would help me feel better about myself. I haven't been cooking that much...a little, but nothing like my old routine. I have very minimal expectations of myself and still am surprised by how hard it is to get little things done.
- I feel like things are improving ever so slightly with the boys and their acting out. We have a long ways to go. Most of it has to do with me and my needing to be a better mom. I want to be better about spending quality time with each of them, coming up with fun activities and productive things to do together, establishing a routine and expectations, and most importantly clearly explaining and consistently following through on rules and consequences.
- I am ready for James to be potty trained. He has been consistently great at not having accidents while naked for 6 months and I am ready for him to be good at it all the time. I know he can do it, it is just a matter of if he is up for it or not.
- I am also ready for for Hadley to start sleeping a little more at night. She has done great so far, but with how sweet she is and how well she nurses, I think I can start hoping for some improvements and I am motivated to revisit my books that will hopefully give me some tips on how to help that along.
- I am not ready for real life to start up again and a little nervous about handling teaching aerobics, Thatcher's soccer, Relief Society presidency meetings and other obligations associated with my calling, visiting teaching visits, cooking real meals consistently, and focusing on the things I feel need the most attention for me (disciplining my boys and exercising).
- I think it is going to be a great summer. I just need to find the motivation to do more than survive! Here's to hoping I can do it! And even if I can't...Hadley's so incredibly cute, maybe it is ok if I am chubby and not good at disciplining my kids for one more month.

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