Thursday, May 3, 2012

Baby Hadley

I can't believe she is here. Our angel finally made it yesterday (after what has felt like the longest pregnancy ever). She was born at 12:30 and is perfect. Maybe a little too perfect. My nurse told me that she nurses like a three week old she is so good at sucking and I am hurting because of that...but besides the normal discomforts of recovering after having a baby I am doing ok. 

We checked in the hospital on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning around 2:00 am after driving down from Flagstaff. We got checked in, got my IV, the nurses (who were all fabulous) started me on the antibiotics for Group B Strep, Ty and I both slept a little off and on in the early morning, then around 6:00 am they finally got me started on the pitocin. I was dilated to a 3 before the pitocin and the pitocin got me to a 5 pretty quickly without too much discomfort. A resident tried to break my water, but was only slightly successful. However, after that the contractions picked up and I got to a 7 pretty fast. The discomfort picked up too and I was in quite a bit of pain before I got my epidural. Thank goodness for epidurals. I hate feeling numb and my legs went numb super fast, but I still had quite a bit of feeling where it counted on one side so they upped my dose of the medicine. By the time I delivered I was completely numb from my chest down. It was hard for me to breath and talk and not very pleasant, but considering the pressure I felt with such a strong epidural, I think being numb throughout my entire body was worth it. Once I got my epidural, things went extremely fast and I felt ready to push for a while before my doctor came rushing in, had me push 3 times and then put my baby in my arms (that were kind of floppy because the epidural got to them too). 

It took a while to get to our new room and they had to take me down on a stretcher because even three hours after delivering I was still completely numb. I couldn't even sit up on my own because I had no control over my torso. It was kind of embarrassing. Right after getting into our new room Kristi and Whit stopped by. It was so sweet of them to take the time to do that and it was nice to have some visitors. The rest of the evening was spent nursing and getting feeling back in my legs and body. Today has been more of the typical stuff like hearing screenings, and getting things ready to check out in a few hours.

Hadley is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I am so glad she is here and healthy and a GIRL! I think her hair definitely has a reddish tint to it, but we will see. My nurse yesterday told me she was voted the prettiest baby on the floor and I agree. I just need to look at her every time I cramp, nurse, go the bathroom, or look at my still very large belly (all the things that I forgot about but are the worst about postpartum recovery) and remember that all this is worth it when you see the angel that Heavenly Father has allowed to join our family. It really is so amazing and I feel so blessed and lucky. I can't wait for her to meet the boys and to see their reactions. 

We love our baby Hadley Dru!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Jenny! I am so excited for you and Ty! I can't wait to meet baby Hadley! She is darling. Oh, and I love your blog, too!
