Here are few other snippets that I need to remember when I am at my wit's end:
Thatcher has been wearing a red "chicken shirt" (it is actually an eagle that is on the t-shirt) and blue "pocket shorts" (that are size 18 months mind you) because they came with a very generous box my friend gave me of girl clothes. Thatcher felt strongly that the boys hand-me-down clothes were meant for him and his upcoming role as big brother/protecter of his baby sister. He is so excited to meet Hadley and talks all the time about things he is going to do with her and for her.
Thatcher amazes me with his memory. The other day he talked about how dad flew in the sky in Switzerland and how we saw waterfalls inside the mountain. He is so smart and remembers so much. I hope he will have Switzerland memories for a long time to come.
Sometimes I don't realize how sweet and sensitive Thatcher is. Last night I was talking to him about fish then the conversation turned to mermaids and then to the Little Mermaid ride at Disneyland. Thatcher reminded me that was the one we got kicked off of and I asked him if we wanted to try it again next time. He thought about it and almost got choked up saying he wasn't ready for that because of the scary lady in the movie.
Thatcher's funny phrases of this week have been, "I agree" and "Are you kidding me?". Both of them are usually said completely out of context and just make Thatcher laugh because he thinks he is being clever and funny.
This morning as all 4 of us were in bed (a way too common occurrence around here). As James was snuggling up to me I noticed he threw something across the room. Then I heard his diaper getting taken off. Then James jumped up off the bed and threw the diaper across the room and snuggled back up to me. He then spend the rest of our morning snuggle time trying to force my hand on his pee pee for me to tickle it. He cracks me up.
James likes being naked way too much. He also knows how to work the new system we have going on. James will strip down at nap time and at bed time so he can sleep naked curled up on his blankets. Two times now Ty and I have not caught this soon enough and he falls asleep and then pees everywhere...not a fun mess. Another new discover James has made is that going potty can get him what he always wants (suckers) and get him out of what he doesn't want (time outs). James knows that if he asks for a sucker and I say no (which is every time), he has to simply run to the potty, go a little, and he will be hooked up. Likewise, when James is in time out he now tells me and Ty that he needs to go potty which often does the trick of getting him out of time out. He is a smart little kid.
This is something I need to do more often. I have been falling in the trap too often lately of feeling overwhelmed with our house situation, with being frustrated with Ty's job and where it isn't going, with not feeling like myself (because I am sick, and my back hurts, and I get nauseous in the mornings, and I am huge), with getting frustrated with the boys because of disciplining and sleeping problems, with worrying about my upcoming test, with frustrations with Ty, with wanting a yard and warm weather, and with wanting my mom, family and real friends close by. I think it is a rough chapter of my life, but I need to remember it is temporary, and not only that, but that there are so many good moments mixed in with the anxiety and stress and hard things going on. I love my kids and they provide so much joy and happiness in my life.
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