Thatcher: Mom, what is that present?
Me: It is a present for a baby girl.
Thatcher: Oh, can I turn into a baby girl and then open it?
Thatcher: "Dad you are so strong you can lift our whole house."
Ty: "Is mom strong too?"
Thatcher: "No, mom isn't strong, she is a girl and she doesn't have a pee pee."
I have no idea where he gets this stuff. We have never made any comments about girls not being strong. Maybe once I said we needed to wait for dad to get home to do something because he is strong, but that is it.
The boys have started to find potty humor funny, so I have told Thatcher that "toot" and "poop" and other such words are not funny. Now Thatcher will say, "I just went poop, and that's not funny."
Thatcher has started to quote movies...especially Cars. When we were in St. George he found a car of Redding's that we do not have and he said, "mom, look it's the car when Sally says, 'customers, customers everyone!'". Then yesterday Thatcher quoted Mater saying, "Mater, like tuh-mater, but without the tuh." I thought it was so cute...and maybe a sign that we have seen 'Cars' a few too many times.
Thatcher loves making friends and has been super friendly to ladies at the pool. He is still shy (especially when I want him to be friendly), but when it is on his own terms he is extremely outgoing.
James has added, I want that, walk, blocks, I want water, tractor, thank you, and so many more phrases to his vocabulary. I can't think of any right now, but he is really starting to put words together to form sentences. When you ask James to ask in a nice voice or to be polite he will say please. He is also very good about showing his muscles when you ask him to. He grunts and puts his hands in a is pretty cute.
Yesterday James walked past a sunbather while we are at the pool and when he saw she was laying down with her eyes closed, he put his finger to his mouth and "shhhhh-ed" me.
These two just never stop playing. Yesterday James quietly stacked blocks for the longest time. We had friends over for dinner and the adults sat at the table and talked while all four kids played quietly and perfectly with each other. I was in shock. James would build his tower of blocks until it got high and knocked over, then he would start again. I didn't know he was capable of so much concentration.
The other night James stuck a penne noodle in a water bottle along with some spaghetti sauce and a little bit of remaining backwashed water...then the next morning he found it in the garbage, somehow got the noodle out, and ate it. Gross.
Last night the boys were being naughty outside (i.e. Thatcher went to the bathroom on the back deck and James decided that he and the pig would play in it), so right when dinner was about to begin the boys were in the tub. We decided to let them be so we set up the video monitor and Ty, Logan and I ate our meal in peace while James and Thatcher had a crazy, fun, unsupervised bath.
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