Monday, January 17, 2011


The only pictures I have of the last couple weeks are these of James hitting Ty on the head when Ty was sick. Ty stayed home from work as he was taking his turn with the stomach bug that we all got and James thought it was pretty funny to seek out his hammer, then uncover his dad who was hiding under a blanket, and then whack him on the head. He thought it was pretty funny...he thinks lots of things like that are funny. Whenever he gets a reaction from us, he will do it over and over again. The other day he kept putting his filthy pig stuffed animal in my face and I would try and move away and he thought that was hilarious. He is a little tease and already has such a personality.

He has certain things he really likes (besides his Mr Pig who is a constant companion these days) and he will carry whatever it is he likes for the day up and down that stairs with him and wherever he goes. I love to see how determined he gets to take things with him.

James cracks me up...he loves to talk to the birds when we are outside and does a pretty good job of impersonating their sound. He is just a funny kid and as soon as he sees he is getting a reaction out of me, Ty, or Thatcher, he hams it up and does it over and over again.

James is also a master tantrum-thrower. He likes to bang his head on whatever he can whether it is the carpet, his crib, or something else. It is super sad, but kind of funny too that his tantrum is hurting him more than anyone...poor baby.
One of my favorite things to watch is when James goes to town with his is like 'wack-a-mole' and he is pretty good at it too. He will play with it for the longest time, just placing the balls where they need to go and whacking them. He is such a smart little baby and I love my boy.

Thatcher has had a constant tummy bug for over a week, but is such a trooper...and we haven't had any on-the floor pooping since last Tuesday, nor any throwing up since Saturday night. We are keeping our fingers crossed, but potty training has been a struggle to say the least.

Thatcher is the best kid. He is so nice to everyone. He loves to count and just to be a part of everything. He never stops talking and I love hearing what he has to say. I am sure it will get exhausting at some point in time, but right now I can't imagine my life without it.

While I was typing this, Thatcher just said, "I do a big poop, that's so awesome." I love my kid.

Both boys got haircuts on Saturday. Thatcher was a nightmare, but James was a trooper and they both look quite handsome. I am hoping I can get better and better. It would be so nice to not have to take my boys to ever get hair cuts.

We spent a day in Phoenix with the Ridings and we had a fun time. I love being close to family and hope we can be even closer soon. It is funny...I am really happy and content in Flagstaff. I am excited about my calling and the opportunities to serve and be involved. I love our day to day routine and our house. I really do love my life and I feel like I have friends and things to do...and maybe I will really miss Flagstaff more than I recognize right now...but I do think I could be even happier in Gilbert. I hope I am right.

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