Last night Ty checked on Thatcher twice and both times found him sleeping on the floor. Thatcher also hasn't learned to stay in his bed and wait for us to come get us in the mornings (he comes out of his room, closes the door behind him, and slowly walks into our room to find us), but those seem to be the only glitches so far and he is adjusting really well.
Today I put both boys down at the same time in the same room. It wasn't super successful, but James got a good nap in and Thatcher at least wasn't jealous about James being in his crib. Thatcher would check on James, read books, sing, and maybe fell asleep fro a minute or two (he just fell asleep next to me while I type this, he is such an angel). I think Thatcher is excited about the idea of his baby sleeping close to him, but it might take a while for both of them to get used to each other.
So...another big milestone has been reached. These are always so exciting but definitely a little bittersweet. Ty told me that he has never really understood why have been so sad about Thatcher growing up so fast until now. Ty has been really sad about this new development. I think he is realizing how fast all of this is going. Thatcher isn't supposed to be doing big kid things. He is our first baby and seeing him grow up really is kind of hard. One thing is for sure though... we love our boys. I think having them in the same room is going to be really good for them and once they adjust it will be better for all of us.
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