So my goal to write something different every day hasn't been going so well. I think of things to write, but having family in town has changed things a little. However, I have been writing little things down that I want to remember. are my random thoughts from the last week:
- Last week Thatcher didn't wear a onesie at the cabin and it was a good reminder why I have him wear one every day. He LOVES his belly. He always wants to be touching it or lifting his shirt so others can see it. He also likes others' bellies and will lift up anyone's shirt who will let him. We have had issues this week with onesies getting in the way of his little obsession.
- James loves to tap the arm of anyone who is holding him. Most people who hold him comment on it and I think it makes us all feel loved and extra special. It is little things like that make babies so wonderful.
- We went swimming in Phoenix with all the cousins on Saturday and Thatcher nose-dived into a table leg and got a nasty goose egg to prove it. Poor kid. He was quite the trooper. It was a fun day. There is nothing cuter than Thatcher, Cooper, and Crew running around naked.
- I got some new nail polish last week. Thatcher was really excited about it. Even though it is purple, he kept calling it blue. He begged for me to put it on his nails. I painted his two pointer finger nails and the next thing I new, he had sucked, licked, or chewed the wet polish off and was begging for more. Gross. Needless to say, there will be no more nail-painting for Thatcher (much to Ty's relief).
- James and I shared a bed when we slept at the cabin. My favorite thing both mornings was waking up to a smiling face and a little hand tapping and pinching my face. It was so sweet. It was like he knew I was sleeping and wanted me to be awake with him. I love my baby.
- I have been holding on to Thatcher's main birthday present (a rug for his cars with roads and buildings on it) for over two months, and yesterday (three days before his birthday) I caved and gave it to him. I wanted him to have a chance to play with it before we go out of town and I just get so excited about things like that.
- James is still not sleeping through the night. He is almost six months old and I am more determined than ever to help him get there. I fell asleep on the floor while Thatcher was playing and realized that this situation is not working for me. Good luck baby James...I know it is going to rough, but we will be happier in the end, I promise.
- Thatcher loves hiding from his dad when he hears the garage door opening. He runs frantically to me to help him hide or he buries himself into the couch or any pillows he can find. He is so cute and loves surprising his unsuspecting dad.
- Sunday marked three years of marriage for me and Ty. It feels like too much has happened in the past three years for it to have been that short. Two kids, two graduations, a big move...that is a lot. And we have been through a lot of not so fun stuff on top of all that. I hope this next year finds us happier than ever.
- Recently Thatcher has loved to cuddle a lot more. He gets especially cuddly after bath time and mimicks everything James does. He likes to be curled up in his towel and will lay perfectly right next to James. I love lotioning my two boys after bath time. THey are the happiest, cutest boys I know.
- James is getting super close to sitting up. No! Stop growing baby James. As fun as those milestones are, I am not ready for them yet!
- We cut Thatcher's hair a while ago and it isn't growing in very evenly. He looks like a rooster 80% of the time and I think once it gets a little longer we are going to have a professional do it. Ty isn't a fan of this idea, but we will see.
- When are the terrible twos going to start? We are two days away from Thatcher's birthday and I feel like I have the most obedient, sweetest two year old that has ever lived. I love watching him play, I love talking to him, I love everything about him.
- Yesterday Thatcher and I sat on the couch with a blanket over us, ate frozen marshmallows, and watched a chick flick. He is the best little friend I have ever had. I love those moments where we are just hanging out together.
Okay, Why was I not aware of this Motherhood unleashed blog? I keep checking your other one, but this one is LOTS more updated. Was this one a secret that only smart people could find? It was good to talk to you yesterday, I miss you so much!