Tuesday, June 29, 2010
talking up a storm
Thatcher has been talking like crazy. I know it has been a long time coming, but it still surprises me when he say words. He just said, "shirt...clean" because he wanted me to clean his shirt. He says please when he wants something, he is putting two words together all the time now, he asks for help, and repeats everything. I hate how I can't think of more specifics when I am sitting at the computer, but he is a talker and it is so much fun to be in this new phase.
Monday, June 28, 2010
a new goal
I want to run a half marathon in under 2 hours. In August. Simple as that. I know it is going to come faster than I realize, but I want to do it and I think I can. I just finished watching an entire season of "The Biggest Loser' in two weeks and I am motivated.
some days are long...
...and some days I don't think I am ever going to be tan again.
Today mom and I tried to lay out on the tramp thinking it would be fun to get a little sun while Thatcher played in the water and James laid in the shade. Well, our idea didn't go as planned. Four popsicles for Thatcher, and one naked and angry baby later, I gave up and went inside. Oh well. It's not that important to be tan, but it sure would have been nice if it had worked.
Today mom and I tried to lay out on the tramp thinking it would be fun to get a little sun while Thatcher played in the water and James laid in the shade. Well, our idea didn't go as planned. Four popsicles for Thatcher, and one naked and angry baby later, I gave up and went inside. Oh well. It's not that important to be tan, but it sure would have been nice if it had worked.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
quality time with the martins
Saturday, June 26, 2010
i miss the mountains
Today I went running outside. Running in Utah is a different experience than in Flagstaff. The mountains. The trees. The grass. The beautiful homes. All of it is just gorgeous and green. Not to mention the lower altitude which makes me feel like I am in better shape than I really am. I love it here. I miss my mountains. I hope we will be back in Utah soon. There is nothing that makes me feel more at home than seeing the beautiful mountains close by.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
this is why I love my boy
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
roasting marshmallows
We had a blast going up the canyon and roasting marshmallows. Thatcher had at least 15 un-roasted marshmallows, but spit out the perfectly roasted one I fed him. We spent some time throwing rocks and sticks in the creek and he went crazy chasing a duck around for a while. Right before we left, Thatcher burned his wrist on the fire pit which was sad but besides that we had a great time. I can't believe this beautiful place is just minutes from my mom's house.
wheeler farm
Today Thatcher and I went to Wheeler Farm with Tenille, Carson, Shayla, Redding, and Ann Dee. Thatcher loved the pigs, the cows and the roosters. He also loved the wagon! He said wagon over and over again and played on a wagon by himself. He ate popsicles with his cousins (thanks to Aunt Tenille), played in the playhouse like a big kid, and we had a fun time.
rolling, rolling, rolling
James has been rolling for a month now, but just yesterday he became a crazy rolling machine. I put him on a bed for a nap and heard him crying. When I went in to get him, he was nowhere to be seen. After a moment of panic (James was still crying so I knew someone hadn't stolen him), I found him behind the door. He had rolled across the bed and then off of it. Yesterday afternoon my mom watched him and said he rolled all over the room, and even got stuck a few times. Last night he woke up a number of times and each time I went in and found him unswaddled and across the room (he is now sleeping on the floor). Crazy kid! It is so funny how fast things can change.
Monday, June 21, 2010
the best
a fathers' day away
Friday, June 18, 2010
my baby is 2
Yesterday Thatcher turned 2. To celebrate we went to dinner, opened presents and just hung out. Man I love my boy. I can't believe I have a two year old, but I am so grateful every day that I have my Thatcher. Today we drove to Salt Lake and he sang, laughed, watched movies with Kelly and Josh and was an angel the whole way. He has been so happy since we got here to my mom's house and he has been so happy since then. He loves it here and I think it brings back happy memories. Thatcher started saying thank you today without any encouragement and I feel like he is saying more words every day. I love this age and every day I get to spend with my sweet boy.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
my mom
Being a good mom is important to me. It is the only real thing I am doing in my life right now, I enjoy it so much, and I really want to be good at it. Not only that, but I have been blessed with an angel toddler and a very sweet and fun, albeit spunky (a nice way of putting it), baby. My mom is constantly building me up by telling me she thinks I am a great mom. She has always been my number one fan (still thinks I am the most beautiful girl she knows, and is never ending in her building me up when it comes to anything... accomplishments, body image, friends, relationships, callings, spirituality, etc.), but her confidence in my mothering abilities has meant more to me than any of the other things she has complimented me on throughout my life. I want to be a good mom with my whole being, but so often I feel like I am not doing enough, that I don't handle each situation perfectly, and that I just don't have enough energy, love, time, and creativity to give. I realized talking to my mom tonight (where she was once again building me up like no one else can) that if I do anything right as a mother it is because of her. I was blessed with an amazing mom and because of that blessing, hopefully my kids will be blessed because it has made me the mom I am.
I love my kids so much. We have been in Phoenix today and I am so grateful for the way they interact with others. They laugh, smile, they take good naps, they are just happy and good natured kids and they deserve the best mom in the world. My motivation has been renewed to be that for them. I am going to start with being more like the mom I remember my mom being to me.
I love my kids so much. We have been in Phoenix today and I am so grateful for the way they interact with others. They laugh, smile, they take good naps, they are just happy and good natured kids and they deserve the best mom in the world. My motivation has been renewed to be that for them. I am going to start with being more like the mom I remember my mom being to me.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
6 posts in one
So my goal to write something different every day hasn't been going so well. I think of things to write, but having family in town has changed things a little. However, I have been writing little things down that I want to remember. So...here are my random thoughts from the last week:
- Last week Thatcher didn't wear a onesie at the cabin and it was a good reminder why I have him wear one every day. He LOVES his belly. He always wants to be touching it or lifting his shirt so others can see it. He also likes others' bellies and will lift up anyone's shirt who will let him. We have had issues this week with onesies getting in the way of his little obsession.
- James loves to tap the arm of anyone who is holding him. Most people who hold him comment on it and I think it makes us all feel loved and extra special. It is little things like that make babies so wonderful.
- We went swimming in Phoenix with all the cousins on Saturday and Thatcher nose-dived into a table leg and got a nasty goose egg to prove it. Poor kid. He was quite the trooper. It was a fun day. There is nothing cuter than Thatcher, Cooper, and Crew running around naked.
- I got some new nail polish last week. Thatcher was really excited about it. Even though it is purple, he kept calling it blue. He begged for me to put it on his nails. I painted his two pointer finger nails and the next thing I new, he had sucked, licked, or chewed the wet polish off and was begging for more. Gross. Needless to say, there will be no more nail-painting for Thatcher (much to Ty's relief).
- James and I shared a bed when we slept at the cabin. My favorite thing both mornings was waking up to a smiling face and a little hand tapping and pinching my face. It was so sweet. It was like he knew I was sleeping and wanted me to be awake with him. I love my baby.
- I have been holding on to Thatcher's main birthday present (a rug for his cars with roads and buildings on it) for over two months, and yesterday (three days before his birthday) I caved and gave it to him. I wanted him to have a chance to play with it before we go out of town and I just get so excited about things like that.
- James is still not sleeping through the night. He is almost six months old and I am more determined than ever to help him get there. I fell asleep on the floor while Thatcher was playing and realized that this situation is not working for me. Good luck baby James...I know it is going to rough, but we will be happier in the end, I promise.
- Thatcher loves hiding from his dad when he hears the garage door opening. He runs frantically to me to help him hide or he buries himself into the couch or any pillows he can find. He is so cute and loves surprising his unsuspecting dad.
- Sunday marked three years of marriage for me and Ty. It feels like too much has happened in the past three years for it to have been that short. Two kids, two graduations, a big move...that is a lot. And we have been through a lot of not so fun stuff on top of all that. I hope this next year finds us happier than ever.
- Recently Thatcher has loved to cuddle a lot more. He gets especially cuddly after bath time and mimicks everything James does. He likes to be curled up in his towel and will lay perfectly right next to James. I love lotioning my two boys after bath time. THey are the happiest, cutest boys I know.
- James is getting super close to sitting up. No! Stop growing baby James. As fun as those milestones are, I am not ready for them yet!
- We cut Thatcher's hair a while ago and it isn't growing in very evenly. He looks like a rooster 80% of the time and I think once it gets a little longer we are going to have a professional do it. Ty isn't a fan of this idea, but we will see.
- When are the terrible twos going to start? We are two days away from Thatcher's birthday and I feel like I have the most obedient, sweetest two year old that has ever lived. I love watching him play, I love talking to him, I love everything about him.
- Yesterday Thatcher and I sat on the couch with a blanket over us, ate frozen marshmallows, and watched a chick flick. He is the best little friend I have ever had. I love those moments where we are just hanging out together.
- Last week Thatcher didn't wear a onesie at the cabin and it was a good reminder why I have him wear one every day. He LOVES his belly. He always wants to be touching it or lifting his shirt so others can see it. He also likes others' bellies and will lift up anyone's shirt who will let him. We have had issues this week with onesies getting in the way of his little obsession.
- James loves to tap the arm of anyone who is holding him. Most people who hold him comment on it and I think it makes us all feel loved and extra special. It is little things like that make babies so wonderful.
- We went swimming in Phoenix with all the cousins on Saturday and Thatcher nose-dived into a table leg and got a nasty goose egg to prove it. Poor kid. He was quite the trooper. It was a fun day. There is nothing cuter than Thatcher, Cooper, and Crew running around naked.
- I got some new nail polish last week. Thatcher was really excited about it. Even though it is purple, he kept calling it blue. He begged for me to put it on his nails. I painted his two pointer finger nails and the next thing I new, he had sucked, licked, or chewed the wet polish off and was begging for more. Gross. Needless to say, there will be no more nail-painting for Thatcher (much to Ty's relief).
- James and I shared a bed when we slept at the cabin. My favorite thing both mornings was waking up to a smiling face and a little hand tapping and pinching my face. It was so sweet. It was like he knew I was sleeping and wanted me to be awake with him. I love my baby.
- I have been holding on to Thatcher's main birthday present (a rug for his cars with roads and buildings on it) for over two months, and yesterday (three days before his birthday) I caved and gave it to him. I wanted him to have a chance to play with it before we go out of town and I just get so excited about things like that.
- James is still not sleeping through the night. He is almost six months old and I am more determined than ever to help him get there. I fell asleep on the floor while Thatcher was playing and realized that this situation is not working for me. Good luck baby James...I know it is going to rough, but we will be happier in the end, I promise.
- Thatcher loves hiding from his dad when he hears the garage door opening. He runs frantically to me to help him hide or he buries himself into the couch or any pillows he can find. He is so cute and loves surprising his unsuspecting dad.
- Sunday marked three years of marriage for me and Ty. It feels like too much has happened in the past three years for it to have been that short. Two kids, two graduations, a big move...that is a lot. And we have been through a lot of not so fun stuff on top of all that. I hope this next year finds us happier than ever.
- Recently Thatcher has loved to cuddle a lot more. He gets especially cuddly after bath time and mimicks everything James does. He likes to be curled up in his towel and will lay perfectly right next to James. I love lotioning my two boys after bath time. THey are the happiest, cutest boys I know.
- James is getting super close to sitting up. No! Stop growing baby James. As fun as those milestones are, I am not ready for them yet!
- We cut Thatcher's hair a while ago and it isn't growing in very evenly. He looks like a rooster 80% of the time and I think once it gets a little longer we are going to have a professional do it. Ty isn't a fan of this idea, but we will see.
- When are the terrible twos going to start? We are two days away from Thatcher's birthday and I feel like I have the most obedient, sweetest two year old that has ever lived. I love watching him play, I love talking to him, I love everything about him.
- Yesterday Thatcher and I sat on the couch with a blanket over us, ate frozen marshmallows, and watched a chick flick. He is the best little friend I have ever had. I love those moments where we are just hanging out together.
Friday, June 11, 2010
a week at the cabin
It has been a fun, busy, and exhausting week. Ty has been gone the last three nights. I slept at the cabin Tuesday and Wednesday night. Kelly, Josh, and my mom were all sick yesterday, and I am just about spent. However, while at the cabin we were able to go on a long hike back West Fork, spend an afternoon at Slide Rock, go fishing (Thatcher caught a fish almost immediately and was laughing hysterically...it was so cute), play outside, play a multiple games of Rummy-O, Sorry, and Scrabble, and just spend quality time with each other. I love the cabin and I love my family. It is so fun to have them here and worth the exhaustion.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Birthday Party
On Monday we met some friends at the park for bubble blowing and cupcake eating in honor of Thatcher's 2nd birthday. I can't believe my baby is almost two. It was so cute to see him with his friends and was a fun afternoon. And I was super grateful that my family surprised me on Sunday (two days earlier than they were supposed to arrive) because without them I would have taken zero pictures and I would have spent the entire time chasing Thatcher around the park.

Oh...and this is what sweet baby James did during most of the party.
Oh...and this is what sweet baby James did during most of the party.
Monday, June 7, 2010
my musician
handsome men
the. best. surprise. ever.
Yesterday while hanging out with my boys outside, Ty told me that my surprise was here. This "surprise" he had been harassing me about all weekend. He convinced me that it was in his trunk, but when I sneaked a peak while he was on a bike ride Saturday morning, the trunk was empty. Then Ty told me the the surprise would be delivered early next week. Then he started to hint that the surprise was a dog (not a good surprise). But...my surprise was actually my family coming two days early. Thanks to Ty, I had no idea. I was so excited and it has been nonstop fun since they got here. Thatcher is in heaven, James is in heaven, and I am in heaven. I am excited for a month of family time, a month of entertainment for my kids, and a month of fun for me.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
baby food
I know it is probably not a big deal for a lot of people, and not even worth the effort for most others, but I really want to make my own baby food for James. So far I have made (and frozen in ice cube trays) spaghetti squash, butternut squash, and peas. I have also fed him mashed up bananas, avocados, and our organic applesauce. After all I have read and considering the budget we are on, I think it will be a good thing. So...this is my goal: to spend less than $20.00 total on pre-made baby food (excluding cereals). Starting today I want to consistently feed James at morning and night so we are entering the solids phase. I hope I can do it. It is silly, but I think it will give me a sense of accomplishment.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
my boys
Man I love these three. Thatcher and James are the happiest, sweetest boys a mom could ask for and Ty is the best dad in the world. The three of them together are one cute trio. I especially love them on days like today where we are all feeling under the weather, but they still manage to make me smile, laugh, and be grateful for my life.
Travel Town
On Sunday afternoon we went to Travel Town. It is a park with a lot of retired train cars that kids can climb on and see what real trains are like. Thatcher was in heaven. He was half running, half skipping from train to train and then didn't want to leave when he was pulling all the levers and pretending to drive one of the cars. We took him on a mini train ride and he even got to take two little train erasers home with him (he picked them out and has not let them out of his sight the last two days). It was a fun little outing.

The Lake
On Saturday we spent the day on the lake. Ty got to wakeboard and Ty and Thatcher went out on the tube. Thatcher loved playing in the sand (he quickly learned that eating sand was not the greatest) and the water and he was super excited to be on a real boat. James loved the boat too and was happiest when we were going fast. It was a fun day, but Thatcher was beyond exhausted by the end- I have never seen him quite so red-eyed, delirious, and emotional as he was Saturday night, poor kid.

We spent this last weekend in California. We stayed at Ryan and Mel's and had a great time with them. It was a fun mini-vacation where we ate lots of good food, got lots of sun, and had a good time. The first night (after a disastrous effort to go to the beach...it was crazy windy and cold) we went to Outback Steakhouse and while waiting for a table Ryan and Mel dished out the quarters so Thatcher could ride the rides...even though it doesn't look like he is having that much fun, he really was in heaven.

The boys did great, but there were a number of mishaps. Ty and I felt like we were continually saying, "they never do this." I think I learned my lesson that when you are on vacation and want things to run as smoothly as possible, things that never happen do. Here are some examples:
- Thatcher woke up the first night crying like crazy and had a hard time going back to sleep
- James woke up at 2am consistently every night
-Thatcher woke up on Sunday morning with diarrhea all over the pac n' play and continued to have diarrhea throughout the day
- Thatcher was so exhausted each day that he was pretty temperamental at night.
- James spit up... a lot... all over Ryan and Mel's bed, all over Ty (numerous times), on my dad and I am sure on others
- Thatcher ate very little throughout the trip (very much not the norm for him)
- Thatcher's diaper somehow came loose when we were at the beach and he sprayed Ty when peeing, leaving Ty very wet while we walked up and down the Santa Monica pier
The boys did great, but there were a number of mishaps. Ty and I felt like we were continually saying, "they never do this." I think I learned my lesson that when you are on vacation and want things to run as smoothly as possible, things that never happen do. Here are some examples:
- Thatcher woke up the first night crying like crazy and had a hard time going back to sleep
- James woke up at 2am consistently every night
-Thatcher woke up on Sunday morning with diarrhea all over the pac n' play and continued to have diarrhea throughout the day
- Thatcher was so exhausted each day that he was pretty temperamental at night.
- James spit up... a lot... all over Ryan and Mel's bed, all over Ty (numerous times), on my dad and I am sure on others
- Thatcher ate very little throughout the trip (very much not the norm for him)
- Thatcher's diaper somehow came loose when we were at the beach and he sprayed Ty when peeing, leaving Ty very wet while we walked up and down the Santa Monica pier
becoming a mom
Bekah once told me that she really felt like a mom the first time she was up all night cleaning throw-up and taking care of her sick boys. Having experience that same scenario, I finally understand what she means. Yesterday I wasn't feeling that great and it got worse as it got later. Ty was picking me up some Pepto Bismol when James started throwing up...everywhere. I have no idea how much stuff was able to come out of his little body, but come it did. He continued to throw up throughout the rest of the night, and I followed suit not much later. It was a long, achy, nauseous, head-achy, freezing-cold-then-hot-sweat, sleepless night. Ty started to have the same symptoms around 2am, then Thatcher woke up this morning and threw up first thing. We are all doing a little better it seems, but I think we are all still feeling pretty poorly.
So...now I am officially a mom. When I was throwing up myself, I cleaned up my boys' throw-up, went to the grocery store for pedialyte and gatorade, have done massive amounts of laundry, and have taken care of my little family. I never thought I would be able to suck it up like I have today and I am pretty proud of myself (and my brave little boys who have been great sports).
So...now I am officially a mom. When I was throwing up myself, I cleaned up my boys' throw-up, went to the grocery store for pedialyte and gatorade, have done massive amounts of laundry, and have taken care of my little family. I never thought I would be able to suck it up like I have today and I am pretty proud of myself (and my brave little boys who have been great sports).
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