We have been blessed with an inordinate number of toys. Some of them purchased by doting grandparents, most of them hand-me-downs from my little brother and sister. We have more toys than we should considering our small living space, but we are very grateful we have never had to spend money in that way. I have never felt a need to buy toys and have practiced restraint when I have seen something at the store I think would be fun. However, in the past week we have bought two toys to add to the already massive collection in our home...Mater and Lightning McQueen. A month ago while in Utah, my little boy, Thatcher, watched Disney's Cars for the first time with his cousins. It was the first real movie he had ever seen and was completely mesmerized. The next day, his grandma got him a little Mater car and it didn't leave his hand from that point on. Mater slept with him, ate with him, played with him. Mater came with us to church, to the gym day care, ran errands with us, and played with us outside....which is how we lost dear Mater.
Last week while playing outside, Thatcher dropped Mater down a pipe sticking out of the ground. That whole day he stayed close to the pipe and stuck his hand down it thinking he could get Mater out somehow. It was so sweet that I went against my resolve to not by toys and went to Target to dish out the $3.50 to purchase a new one. Mater was back...and so was the obsession. Then on Saturday, we added fuel to the fire that really didn't need any more encouragement. We got Thatcher Lightning McQueen. Because things are tight right now, we jump at any opportunity to get free anything. When Kohls mailed us a $10.00 gift card with no strings attached, we decided that would be our Saturday activity. We left Kohls with a car and a ball for my Thatcher's second birthday, but the car couldn't wait. Once Thatcher saw his beloved Lightning McQueen... there was no going back. Since then both Lightning and Mater have been his constant companions.
Lightning fell out of the crib Sunday morning and that is what led to the early morning wake up call of uh-oh, repeated many times with increasing volume and intensity. I love seeing Thatcher get excited about things. I never thought I would be the mom that would want to spoil my kid crazy, but every time I see something from the movie Cars I want nothing more than to buy it because I know how happy it will make my little boy. Thank goodness we have a srict budget or my house would probably look like a Disney story right now.
I love kids and the unique personalities they each come with. My baby is showing his unique personality right now as he is alternately sucking on my arm and then screaming at full volume.
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