James had his second birthday a couple days ago. Even though he hasn't yet learned to say he is two, he is definitely a two-year old in so many ways. He is so good at teasing his brother, he is such a little trouble maker, he is opinionated and determined and he can melt my heart faster than anything.
For James's birthday he opened up his birthday bike (a strider bike with no pedals) in the morning, then we postponed the festivities until the day after because I wasn't feeling well. Last night we celebrated with BBQ chicken pizza and a snowman cake. James did a great job of blowing out the candle, and a not so great job of eating the cake (I bet he got one decent bite and the rest of it ended up in crumbs on his plate).
Here are just a few of the things I love about my James:
- James loves to say cheese and give a super squinty cheesy grin every time a camera is on him. - James loves playing with Thatcher and is so good at picking up on what Thatcher wants him to do when they are playing pretend.
- James loves to be sung to at night and will sometimes protest when a story is being told because he prefers songs.
- He loves bath time and is happiest when he is in the bath with bubbles and can stay there for as long as he wants.
- James can be very sweet and polite when he wants to be. He is very good at saying, "thank you", "bless you" when I sneeze, at sharing when he is asked, at asking, "are you ok?" when anyone coughs, and at saying please and helping to clean up with a little help.
- James has some serious hoarding tendencies that crack me up. He loves to collect things (random things, like last week when he carried around first aid supplies all week and called them toys) and put them in any type of container he can get a hold of. Since he got a tent for Christmas he has been collecting things in his tent. When he gets out of his crib in the morning he likes to make sure he is carrying all three of his blankets and at least 3 of his stuffed animals.
- James has become a very impressive and determined climber in the last couple weeks. He can climb in and out of his crib and carries a kitchen stool all over the middle floor so he can use it to get on top of the counter and anywhere else that used to be out of reach.
- James is talking up a storm. His sentences are getting longer and longer and he can repeat long sentences and hard words which always surprise me.
- James is still the snuggliest little kid and will snuggle with anyone at any time, especially if they are good at tickling his belly.
- James loves to watch movies on the couch with a blanket on and is super cute whenever he decides it is movies time.
- He is defiant and doesn't respond in any way to punishment...seriously, the kid is never phased. He just knows he is funny and can basically get away with anything.
- James is in the 63rd percentile for both height and weight but his head is still off the charts. I think his huge head is what makes him so cute.
To sum it up, James is the funniest, most beautiful, smartest two year old in the world, and he wears me out every day with how challenging he is to control or even guide in some way. He is such a spit fire and is his own person in every way and will not be deterred in his temperament. I love my baby and can't believe he isn't really my baby any more.