Tuesday, May 24, 2011

conversations with my Thatcher

Me and Ty: Why do you want to go to the temple?
Thatcher: Because Jesus is there...and because he's scary

Thatcher: I'm a roly poly ball
James starts to roll all over the floor
Thatcher: Look mom, he's a roly poly ball. James, you're a roly poly ball.

Me trying to get Thatcher's shorts up without unbuttoning them
Thatcher: Mom, I think we should call dad

Thatcher: Mom I have an hurt on my hand. It is a hole like Jesus.

We have so many of these every day. Whether he is helping me cook, clean, write notes or fighting falling asleep in the middle of the day or pretending with his toys, he makes me laugh and is the best little boy.

James's vocabulary at 17 months

bit (ribbit)
can sound like a monkey, a duck, a dog, and a lion
can clap, dance, stand, lay down, and run on command
makes signs for 'more' and 'all done'
nods his head 'yes'
can point to his nose
loves to wave goodbye
folds his arms when it is time to pray
is the best kisser and hugger when you ask him to

Notice that despite all the things he does...he still hasn't said mom. He thinks Ty and I are both 'dad'.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

bugs in sandwiches

Thatcher listened to a very funny story on Thursday at story time. Miss Suzanne had all the props so she could act out the story for the kids. The story was about a sandwich that Samantha was making and how her brother Sam kept slipping in bugs, worms, flies, and other not-so-appetizing things. The last few days Thatcher has been offering me pretend sandwiches and after I take it he tells me that there are bugs in it. He is so creative and is such a good listener. I love to see what he takes in from the stories he hears and how he incorporates those things into how he plays.


A few memories that make me feel so lucky to have James (and not any other baby in this whole world) as mine:

This morning James tried to shave his face. Like his dad does. With his dad's razor. He cut his lip and gave himself a little rash on his cheek. I felt so bad that I didn't catch him in time to save his lip...but he didn't even notice, and it was pretty cute.

The other day I was sitting with Thatcher in time out and James came over. It was obvious he was concerned about Thatcher being sad so he climbed up the stairs and gave Thatcher a big hug, then he wiggled his way between me and Thatcher and sat on the stairs with us until time out was over. I love how sensitive he is to others.

When we got to the cabin on Friday night it was pretty late. Thatcher was dead asleep and James should have been too. Instead he was walking around, exploring every nook and cranny of the cabin. He opened every cupboard, looked inside, and then went on to the next. He walked the entire time, and it was so cute. He was perfectly content and doing his own thing (something that doesn't happen a lot).

He has been sick today which is always a bummer...but in between tantrums and cleaning up diarrhea, we have been able to snuggle a lot. I love how loving and cuddly my baby is. He is even more cuddly when he is sick.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm not a pillow

Last night Thatcher and I were talking before bed. I was so tired that I was kneeling on the floor and resting my head on his belly. I asked him if could take him to bed with me and use him as my pillow. He said, "No mom, I'm not a pillow, I'm Thatcher." He then listed off the many things he wasn't, each time reiterating that he was Thatcher. He told me he wasn't a mom, a dad, a James, a door, or a boat. "But," he said, "my bed is a boat".
I love that kid.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today we fed the ducks. When we ran out of bread the boys resorted to throwing rocks in the water. Thatcher told the ducks not to eat the rocks every time he threw one in. James loved touching the water. If I could snuggle with my boys every morning, leave for the gym with a clean house, go to a fun step class, then sit in the sun by a beautiful duck pond watching my boys laugh and play...I don't think I could ever be unhappy again.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

story time

Thatcher loves story time at the library. Miss Suzanne is the best and she always gives him extra attention. This is usually what story time looks like with Thatcher and Skyler sitting perfectly still and riveted. James is usually a trouble maker and does the best he can trying to get the moms to laugh at him.

Monday, May 2, 2011

these two and their marshmallows

James is starting to say marshmallow...that can't be a good sign. He hardly says anything, and 'marshmallow'?

Today we were driving home after a long morning. Thatcher was pretending to sleep, but when I handed James a marshmallow, his hand shot out. I was pretty impressed with his ability to reach for and eat a marshmallow with his eyes closed. He cracks me up.